Via mazzini 4, Serralunga d'Alba CNThe Schiavenza company acts in the territory of Serralunga d’Alba since 1956.
The firm started by the brothers Vittorio and Ugo Alessandria is now managed by the son-in-law Luciano Pira, agronomist and cellar man, aided by the wife Maura Alessandria and the brother-in-law Walter Anselma. In the past the farm and the surrounding lands were owned by the Opera Pia Barolo; the work was made by sharecroppers called “schiavenza”: from which derives the curious company’s name.
Actually the company extend itself on ten hectares of vineyards in the territory of Serralunga d’Alba; it owns moreover 15.240 m2 in the village of Monforte d’Alba in the Perno hamlet.
From these esteemed lands the company produces red wine of excellent quality following an artisan making.

Our products classic red wines (Dolcetto d'Alba, Barbera d'Alba, Langhe Nebbiolo, Barolo)
Public sale yes
40 seats

Contact us
Contact us
[contact-form-7 id="7485" title="Contattaci" destination-email="schiavenza@schiavenza.com"]www.schiavenza.com/

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Animals ammitted yes
Activity open for sale and tasting

Booking send e-mail to: schiavenza@schiavenza.com
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