Bottega del Vino Dogliani
P.zza San Paolo, 9, Dogliani CNBottega del Vino Dogliani is an association of producers of Dogliani Docg appellation whose aim is to safeguard and promote their wines.
The association has also become a sort of permanent forum where members can meet to discuss, share and compare their different experiences, debate new legislative proposals and exchange ideas regarding the direction and future prospects of the denomination.
The idea of joining forces and working together was strongly advocated by all those producers who felt the need to combine their efforts in sustaining and championing their wines, and the Association was eventually set up in 1984, ten years after Dolcetto di Dogliani was awarded DOC status. It is now run with the support of the Municipality of Dogliani.
Housed next to the Church of San Paolo in the medieval cellars of the 16th century Town Hall, originally a Carmelite convent built in the 16th century, the Bottega also functions as a showcase for wines produced by its members, which are available for tasting and purchase. Visitors interested in discovering and learning more are welcome, and guided tastings can also be arranged with members who are always happy to share their products and their passion with guests.

Our products Dolcetto di Dogliani and Dogliani Docg
Public sale yes