News Archive

Secondo Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia del Marketing Enologico
Giovedì 18 febbraio 2016, ore 9.30-17.00, I.T.A. “Umberto I” – Scuola enologica, Enotria 2, Alba (CN).

Strada del Barolo has presented the 2016 programme of activities
Numerous confirmations and some interesting news for Strada del Barolo, that in 2016 celebrates 10 years!

“Turismo in Langa” association has a new website
The web site has a new look, completely renewed and designed to be more intuitive and usable.

S. Valentine’s day at Antico Borgo Monchiero
To celebrate the most romantic day of the year, Antico Borgo Monchiero recommends you two dream proposals.

What perfume will mark your Valentine’s day? Discover it at the Josetta Saffirio winehouse!
Saturday, February 13th: an afternoon of guided tours, wine tastings with a romantic aperitif...

La Strada del Barolo ha un nuovo Consiglio di Amministrazione
Confermati il presidente Lorenzo Olivero e il vice Mauro Daniele, cambiano cinque consiglieri su sette.

Assemblea dei soci – Strada del Barolo
Mercoledì 13 gennaio 2016 alle ore 17.30, presso la Chiesa di Sant’Anna in via Cavour a Castiglione Falletto si riuni...

Offices Closing for the Holiday
Please be informed that our offices will be closed on December 24th and 31st 2015.