The Wine Tasting Experience® at the 94th edition of the Alba Truffle Fair

From 12th October to 8th December 2024 the guided tastings of Strada del Barolo return during the Alba International White Truffle Fair: the best territory experts tell everything about the great wines of Langhe!

After having become a must see event for hundreds of wine lovers who visit Langhe, the Wine Tasting Experience®, original tasting event devised by Strada del Barolo, will be part, as usual, of the official programme of the Alba International White Truffle Fair, which, now in its ninety-second edition, proposes a nine-week program of events and initiatives.

The Wine Tasting Experience® will be held every Saturday (in English) and every Sunday (in Italian) from 12th October to 8th December 2024 at 4.30 P.M. in the tasting room of Consorzio Albeisa, via Generale Govone 4, Alba (CN), Italy.

“The taste of the hills”, “The Crus of Barolo” and “The many faces of Nebbiolo” are the topics that will alternate during the entire fair. “The Taste of the Hills” is an introductory journey among the most peculiar productions of Piedmont, with the tasting of four different wines; “The Crus of Barolo” is a journey marked by the tasting of three different Barolo labels; while “The many faces of Nebbiolo” will compare Barolo, Barbaresco and Nebbiolo to explain the different expressions of the Nebbiolo vine variety.

The tastings will last about one hour and the tickets can be purchased in advance online at a cost of 35.00 € per person, educational material and entrance at the “Alba White Truffle World Market” included.



The Wine Tasting Experience® format

Following the example of the French Ecole Du Vin, appointments go beyond the traditional tasting in a wine cellar, a typical stop for the wine tourists, especially for the opportunity to compare labels from different producers at one appointment. The tastings are guided by territory experts capable of explaining the secrets of the wines and satisfying any curiosity: the teachers are, in fact, producers, oenologists or skilled sommeliers, everyone with a personal point of view, with their opinions on the value of the perfumes in a stem glass, the pairings between food and wine, as well as the characteristics of the wines in relation to their terroir.

Questions from the audience, in-depth lessons, curiosity, tips on how to taste, wines of different producers: all these elements will make the Wine Tasting Experiences® a new way to approach the wine world, beside being a unique occasion to discover all the details of the wine production of the Langhe and Roero region. To make the Wine Tasting Experiences® more and more experiential and to directly involve the participants, the guides will use a video rich in infographics and interactive maps.


  • Saturday 12th October 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The taste of the hills (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 13 ottobre 2024, ore 16.30: Il gusto del territorio (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 19th October 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The crus of Barolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 20 ottobre 2024, ore 16.30: I cru del Barolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 26th October 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The many faces of Nebbiolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 27 ottobre 2024, ore 16.30: I volti del Nebbiolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Friday 1st November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The taste of the hills (guided tasting in English)
  • Saturday 2nd November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The crus of Barolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 3 novembre 2024, ore 16.30: I cru del Barolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 9th November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The many faces of Nebbiolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 10 novembre 2024, ore 16.30: I volti del Nebbiolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 16th November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The taste of the hills (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 17 novembre 2024, ore 15.30 e 17.30: Il gusto del territorio (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 23rd November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The crus of Barolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 24 novembre 2024, ore 16.30: I cru del Barolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)
  • Saturday 30th November 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The crus of Barolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Saturday 7th December 2024, 4.30 P.M.: The many faces of Nebbiolo (guided tasting in English)
  • Domenica 8 dicembre 2024, ore 16.30: I volti del Nebbiolo (degustazione guidata in italiano)



For info and reservations: